Flower Power

Native Plant Nursery & Garden Center

Opening April 2024


It is my honor to share with you that starting this spring, we will be opening up the former Grandiflora Nursery & Garden Center, as Flower Power. After 25 years in business, Katie & Carol have decided to start new chapters in their horticultural careers & conclude their retail venture. Their garden center has long been a wonderful business within our community, filled with hard-to-find plant offerings, a wealth of knowledge & a serene environment. I have been coming to Grandiflora since a young age, and have always been drawn to its tranquil atmosphere aside the koi pond, with the south facing windows and beautiful shade structure providing respite from the summer sun. I hope to continue to bring this essence to the space as I move forward this spring. Thank you Katie & Carol for holding such a special place for us over all of these years.

As for Flower Power, we will be growing & selling indigenous plants of this local region. Scroll down for a full list of the plants we will be offering! We are working on sourcing our plants from as many local growers as possible, who are germinating plant material using local ecotype, or locally sourced, seeds. The reason this is important, is because we want to create habitat for as many at-risk pollinators as we can. Since pollinators have evolved aside their plant host friends over a thousands-year-long process, we need to be sure they have these plants available in order to complete their, as well as our, food web.

We will also be selling edible and medicinal plants, such as fruit & veggie starts, herbs, and an assortment of unique flowering annuals. We'll have custom bulk restorative seed mixes 🌼, gardening tools ⛏, books 📚, bird houses 🐦, pots, planters & more!

We are planning to open on April 10th, with a

Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday, April 20th.

Lastly, I want to share the mission of Flower Power. It is our hope that by providing our community with alternative options, not often found in today's garden retail environment, we can begin to rethink how we plant our home gardens. The gardening industry has far too long been encouraging practices that are far from "green." You won't find insecticides, herbicides, or "weed killers" at Flower Power. You won't find virgin plastic either. We will only be reusing existing plastic pots, before transitioning to 100% compostable, coconut coir pots. Our compost & mulch will only be available in bulk, which we'll load up for you in returnable bulk bins that we are making out of 55-gallon drums from The O Zone's bulk market. No more single-use plastic bags full of soil! Wahoo!

I am very excited about this next venture, and I hope you are too! Thank you as always for your support & I look forward to cultivating lots & lots of plants this spring. 🌿



2024 Plant List

Shrubs & Trees

  1. Allegheny Serviceberry

  2. American Hazelnut

  3. American Persimmon

  4. American Plum

  5. Black Currant

  6. Black Cherry

  7. Black Chokeberry

  8. Black Walnut

  9. Black Willow

  10. Blackcap Raspberry

  11. Blackhaw Viburnum

  12. Bur Oak

  13. Button Bush

  14. Chinquapin Oak

  15. Elderberry

  16. Hackberry

  17. Hawthorn

  18. Mapleleaf Viburnum

  19. Meadow Rose

  20. Meadowsweet Spirea

  21. Nannyberry

  22. Pagoda Dogwood

  23. Paw Paw

  24. Pussy Willow

  25. Red Chokeberry

  26. Red Maple

  27. Red Mulberry

  28. Red Oak

  29. Red Osier Dogwood

  30. Red Raspberry

  31. River Birch

  32. Spicebush

  33. Steeplebush Spirea

  34. Sugar Maple

  35. Swamp Rose

  36. Sweet Fern

  37. Sycamore

  38. Winterberry


  1. Acorus americanus (Sweetflag)

  2. Actaea racemosa (Black Cohosh)

  3. Adiantum pedatum (Northern Maidenhair Fern)

  4. Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion)

  5. Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting)

  6. Aquilegia canadensis (Red Columbine)

  7. Arisaema triphyllum (Jack in the Pulpit)

  8. Asarum canadense (Wild Ginger)

  9. Cardamine concatenata (Cutleaf Toothwort)

  10. Carex pensylvanica

  11. Carex vulpinoidea

  12. Claytonia caroliniana (Carolina Springbeauty)

  13. Coreopsis rosea (Pink Tickseed)

  14. Deschampsia cespitosa (Tufted Hairgrass)

  15. Dicentra canadensis (Squirrelcorn)

  16. Eupatorium fistulosum (Joepye Weed)

  17. Geranium maculatum (Wild Geranium)

  18. Hepatica nobilis acuta (Sharp-lobed Hepatica)

  19. Heuchera americana

  20. Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal)

  21. Hypericum prolificum (Shrubby St. John’s Wort)

  22. Iris versicolor (Blueflag Iris)

  23. Lilium superbum (Turk’s Cap Lily)

  24. Liatris scariosa (Blazing Star)

  25. Lonicera sempervirens (Honeysuckle)

  26. Lupinus perennis

  27. Mertensia virginica (Virginia Bluebells)

  28. Mitchella repens (Partridgeberry)

  29. Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern)

  30. Osmunda cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern)

  31. Packera obovata (Roundleaf Ragwort)

  32. Panicum virgatum

  33. Phlox maculata (Phlox)

  34. Platanthera flava (Pale Green Orchid)

  35. Polygonatum biflorum (Solomon's Seal)

  36. Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern)

  37. Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot)

  38. Sisyrinchium angustifolium (Blue-eyed Grass)

  39. Solidago speciosa (Showy Goldenrod)

  40. Tiarella cordifolia (Foamflower)

  41. Trillium cuneatum (Little Sweet Betsy)

  42. Trillium grandiflorum (White Trillium)

  43. Trillium luteum (Yellow Trillium)

  44. Uvularia grandiflora (Large Flowering Bellwort)

Fruits & Veggies

  1. Arugula

  2. Beets

  3. Bell Peppers

  4. Broccoli

  5. Butterhead Lettuce

  6. Butternut Squash

  7. Cabbage

  8. Cauliflower

  9. Chard

  10. Fennel

  11. Honeydew Melon

  12. Hot Peppers

  13. Husk Cherry

  14. Kale

  15. Lagoda Zucchini

  16. Leeks

  17. Lettuce Blends

  18. Marketmore Slicing Cucumbers

  19. Mustards

  20. New England Pie Pumpkins

  21. Pac Choi

  22. Paste Tomatoes

  23. Red Summer Onion

  24. Romaine Lettuce

  25. Small-Fruited Tomatoes

  26. Slicing Tomatoes

  27. Sugarbaby Watermelon

  28. Sweet Peppers

  29. Yellow Storage Onion

    + more!

Annual Flowers:

Bachelor Buttons





Sweet Peas


Culinary Herbs:

Lemon Balm

Genovese Basil

Thai Basil



Moroccan Mint

Italian Oregano

Italian Parsley


Garden Sage

Winter Savory

French Thyme

Lemon Verbena



Fruit Trees

Coming Soon…

  1. Agastache scrophulariifolia

  2. Baptisia tinctoria

  3. Blephilia ciliata

  4. Borage

  5. Canadian Anemone

  6. Chestnut Trees

  7. Chelone glabra

  8. Clematis virginiana

  9. Echinacea purpurea

  10. Eastern Larch

  11. Eragrostis spectablis

  12. Eupatorium perfoliatum

  13. Eutrochium fistulosum

  14. Gentiana andrewsii

  15. Geum triflorum

  16. Giant Marigold

  17. Helenium autumnale

  18. Lobelia cardinalis

  19. Lobelia siphilitica

  20. Monarda fistulosa

  21. Monarda punctata

  22. Packera aurea

  23. Penstemon digitalis

  24. Penstemon hirsutus

  25. Physostegia virginiana

  26. Poppy Giant Rattle

  27. Poppy Hungarian Blue

  28. Pycanthemum muticum

  29. Rhubarb

  30. Rudbeckia laciniata

  31. Scarlet Oak

  32. Shellbark Hickory

  33. Silver Maple

  34. Snap Dragon Mix

  35. Sorghastrum nutans

  36. Sporobolus heterolepis

  37. Strawflower Mix

  38. Swamp Marigold

  39. Sweet Chestnut Trees

  40. Swamp Marigold

  41. Trout Lily

  42. Tulip Tree

  43. Verbena hastata

  44. Veronicastrum virginicum

  45. Vernonia noveboracensis

  46. Yellow Birch

  47. Zizia aurea